Over the past few weeks I have been doing my best to get some UFO's finished. Another quilt is now having the binding put on so I am well on the way to another finish.
Last weekend my DH and I took my dear parents on a mystery day trip. We headed for the Central Coast and visited Budgiewoy where as a young family we spent many school holidays at the camping area. We had a very large army tent that was divided into 3 rooms. I can remember the ice man visiting every second day to keep the ice chest cold, the bake house where we got fresh bread everyday and ate the middle out of the bread, the hessian walled toilets and a dose of caster oil every few days but the best part was we could swim from dawn till dusk it was a very safe and fun place. I think we will always treasure those memories. Whilst having morning tea this pelican wanded over for a visit, I think he was eyeing off our biscuits.
We went for a walk to see if we could recognise any landmarks but everything has changed so much. When we camped the water was about 2 metres from our tent with lovely sandy shores now the land has been filled so no lovely white sand and the camping area is set well back from the lake. Oh well I guess that is progress but it is nice to have those memories. My parents had a great day reminiscing and having a lovely walk around the area.